Samsung Galaxy S6 Screen Blacked Out - Samsung Best Style

Friday, December 21, 2018

Samsung Galaxy S6 Screen Blacked Out

samsung galaxy s6 black screen after dropping

Sometimes the screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 remains black. This concern can happen in several conditions. Often this happens after the Samsung Galaxy S6 has a fall. Other times, the screen stays blank after starting, locking, or pausing. Whatever happens, do not be anxious, we can find various tips for repairing the black screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6. To do this, it is essential to consider several things before trying the different solutions. We will first discover what are the things to control when the screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 remains black. We will see in a second time all the techniques to be able to unlock this unpleasant black screen.

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What to check when you have a black screen on Samsung Galaxy S6
Before embarking on the tips, we suggest you check the points below if you want to better understand where the concern may come from. This will give you good information about the nature of the problem.

galaxy s6 black screen wont turn on

The LED of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is it turn on when the screen is black?
One of the first things to control is the small led that is above the screen. In fact, when the led is red or blue when the screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 remains black, it means that the mobile is running. In this case, it is quite possible that the concern comes from the screen.

Is the Samsung Galaxy S6 charged?
It happens regularly that a deep discharge of the battery prevents the Samsung Galaxy S6 from lighting for a moment. Check that the Samsung Galaxy S6 is well charged by leaving it plugged in at least 1.5 hours. If ever after this, the led does not turn on and the screen remains black, the problem could most likely come from the battery.

Is the Samsung Galaxy S6 damaged?
If the Samsung Galaxy S6's screen remains black after being shocked , dropped, dipped, or cracked, the screen may be damaged. In this case, none of the following techniques will work. You will have to bring the Samsung Galaxy S6 to a repairer.

samsung galaxy s6 black screen blue light flashing

What should I do when the screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 remains black?
After having verified that the concern comes from the screen, you will be able to try the following tips to unlock the black screen of your Samsung Galaxy S6 . When one technique does not work, you can continue with the next one.

samsung galaxy s6 screen blacked out

Connect the Samsung Galaxy S6 to its charger
The first thing to do when the screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 remains black is to load the mobile. This allows to be serene for all the following manipulations. This also solves the possible problem of deep discharge of the mobile battery.

When possible, remove the battery from the Samsung Galaxy S6
If ever the Samsung Galaxy S6 is simply removable, we suggest you remove the battery . This will sometimes resolve the black screen concern. Wait a few seconds then reassemble the battery and try to restart the device. If the screen is still blocked, go to the step below.

Remove the SIM card and SD card
It is sometimes possible, without explanation that the SIM card or SD card conflicts with the Samsung Galaxy S6 and generates a black screen. One of the techniques to try is to remove the SIM card and SD card . As soon as it's ok, you have to try restarting the mobile. If it works, it means that there is a conflict with the SIM or SD card.

Force the restart of the Samsung Galaxy S6
When the screen remains black, it may happen that the problem solves with a forced restart . To do this, you will have to keep pressing certain keys at the same time. You will have to press and hold for at least 8 seconds for the forced restart. The key combination depends on the models but must be one of the following:

samsung s6 black screen no response

volume down button + start / stop button
volume down key + start / stop key + cough Home
volume up key + start / stop key
volume up key + start / stop key + Home key
power button key + Home key
Wait until the battery is empty
Finally, when none of the previously seen methods work, you can try to let your battery run out. Make sure that the battery is completely empty. When it's done, connect your Samsung Galaxy S6 to its charger and try to start the Samsung Galaxy S6.
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